The Ehrhart family never fails to deliver! | Janell Mitchell Photography

November 23, 2022

If you're like me, you might be guilty of letting family portraits fall by the wayside. Life gets busy and it's hard to find time to schedule a photoshoot, let alone coordinate outfits and make sure everyone is looking their best. But the Ehrhart family is a perfect example of why family portraits are so important. They make time for a professional photoshoot every year, and the results are stunning. Not only do they have beautiful images to look back on and treasure, but they also get to see how their boys are growing and changing year after year. It's a reminder that time really does fly by, and that's why it's so important to document these precious moments. The Ehrhart family is once again celebrating another year of accomplishments and the importance on documenting them all.  Cheers to another wonderful year full of love and beautiful memories!

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